2 people paddleboarding in a lake
2 people paddleboarding in a lake

How To Identify The Best Places To Paddle Board

Written by Lydia Burdett /

Even the most experienced paddlers might struggle to answer the question: ‘Where is the best place to paddle board?’. Ultimately, finding the best places to paddle board is a deeply personal process as it depends on a number of factors and is often also limited by the location and type of area that you live in or are visiting. However, finding the best places to paddle board is also a process that can help you have an unforgettable experience if you get it right. 

With this in mind, the Red team has put our heads together and thought about what we might look for when deciding which location to hit up next. Consider your response to the following factors and you’ll be able to identify the best places to paddle board in no time.

Type Of Water

When choosing the best place to paddleboard, you’ll typically be picking from the ocean, lakes, or rivers. Not only is paddleboarding typically allowed in these locations, but it’s also usually pretty safe to do so if you know what you are doing so it’s always best to explore these kinds of areas first. 

Lakes are often the best places to paddle board if you’re new to the activity as the calm and flat water is perfect for honing your skills and developing your balance. However, lakes can offer just as much as a SUP spot for more advanced paddlers. The large but calm spaces lend themselves perfectly to an extended trip on an expedition paddle board and also provide the tranquil environment needed for a spot of SUP yoga

Where rivers and the ocean are concerned, conditions will be a little more unpredictable and you should pay attention to tide times and plan your entry and exit points carefully. However, these kinds of SUP spots are often considered the best places to paddle board for anybody looking for a bit more of a challenge. The moving water offers a more adventurous experience and typically you’ll be surrounded by some seriously idyllic and picturesque landscapes.

2 people paddleboarding in a lake

Access & Facilities

Once you’ve got an idea of the type of water you’d like to explore on your SUP, consider what the access and facilities will be like when you get there. Whether you travel by foot or by car, you’ll need adequate space to pump up your Red paddleboard so find out whether there’s a car park with suitable access to the water where you can do this or whether there’s a safe and spacious area closer to your water entry point. 

With the right access giving your place to paddle board the green light, don’t forget to check out the facilities nearby. It’s always nice if there’s a cafe or similar in close proximity so that you can have a post-paddle drink with your friends or family. Toilets or changing facilities can also be handy when you’re getting in and out of the water. If your location is more remote, don’t forget your changing robe for easy shoreline or car parking changing!

How Busy Will It Be?

Sometimes you’ll be in the mood for a really relaxing SUP trip, while other times you might prefer to be in and amongst the hustle and bustle. Both types of locations do have their merits, but there’s nothing worse than being in the mood for one kind of experience and ending up with the other. Do bear in mind that it’s always safer to go somewhere where other people will be too, but this doesn’t mean that you always have to hit up busy beaches in peak season so do your research and find somewhere with the right balance for you. 

Steer Clear From Hazards

No matter how experienced you may be, never be tempted to think that the best places to paddle board are those where danger is masked as a challenge. Generally, we’d suggest that you steer clear of any proposed SUP spot that’s in a particularly rocky or wild location. It’s also best to avoid any place that might be busy with other bigger watercraft that could be travelling a lot quicker than you are. When you’ve picked out a safe spot, make sure you still follow our SUP safety tips by wearing a leash and personal floatation device and are always letting somebody else know where you’re going and how long you plan to be.

By considering these factors, we’re sure that you will find your new favourite SUP spot. However, if you want any further recommendations of the best places to paddle board near you, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our friendly team!

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