Paddle Boarding Activity at National Outdoor Expo 2022

Terms & Conditions 

Updated: 15/12/2021 

The following terms and conditions are to ensure an effective engagement between Red Paddle Co plus partners assisting in their delivery of the activity, and participants in Paddle Boarding element of the Lakeside Paddlesports feature at the National Outdoor Expo Birmingham 2022. 

Where this document refers to “participant(s)”, it means whoever is making the booking with Red Paddle Co, either via the National Outdoor Expo website, or directly with Red Paddle Co during the National Outdoor Expo event. Where an individual is booking on behalf of others, the group’s acceptance of these terms and conditions is given through the booking organiser. Where “Red Paddle Co” is referred to in this document, it means Pyranha Mouldings Ltd. and “activity” refers to the Paddle boarding element of the Lakeside Paddlesports feature. 

Other elements of the Lakeside Paddlesports feature, such as Canoeing or Kayaking or Open Water Swimming, may be subject to their own terms and conditions set out by the organisers of those elements. Red Paddle Co assumes no responsibility for these elements or their operation. 

These terms and conditions have been written with the intention to be as clear as possible. If you have any trouble understanding the document or have any questions or queries regarding its content, please get in touch using the contact details at the end of the document. 


Spaces are available on a first come, first served basis, and booking in advance via the National Outdoor Expo website or Red Paddle Co website is highly recommended to avoid disappointment. Alternatively, please visit stand during the exhibition where any remaining spaces will be available for booking. 

Once you have booked, please ensure you arrive ready to participate no less than 5 minutes prior to the start time of your booked slot; failure to do so may result in your space being offered to someone else. 

Data Protection 

All information entrusted to Red Paddle Co by participants will be treated in accordance with GDPR guidelines, only being used for legitimate purposes in which it has been provided or for which explicit consent has been indicated by the participant. Such data shall be processed and stored as securely as is reasonable, and only for the appropriate period of time in the context of its provision. 

Assumption of Risk 

Taking part in any form of paddlesport involves an element of assumed risk. By participating in this activity, you agree that you will follow all safety instructions given to you by the staff supervising the activity. You also understand that you must take reasonable responsibility for your own safety where appropriate. All reasonable precautions will be undertaken by the staff supervising the activity to keep your safe, but it must be understood that minor injuries can happen as part of the activity. 

During the activity, it is your responsibility to look after your own personal belongings. Venture or their partners cannot be held responsible for any loss to personal belongings sustained during the activity. 

You are advised to hold your own insurance for personal belongings, personal injury, and third-party liability. 

Eligibility & Accessibility 

The activity is open to participants aged 8 years and over only. Participants under 18 years of age must be supervised by an adult, whether remotely from the lakeside or on the water as a participant. 

Participants with specific accessibility concerns should contact Red Paddle co in advance using the details at the end of this document, so they can do their best to help you get on the water. In some cases, despite best efforts, it may not be possible to accommodate certain needs. It shall be at the discretion of Venture and/or their partners whether it is deemed safe and/or feasible to allow someone to participate. 

You do not need to be a strong swimmer, but you must let the staff supervising the activity know in advance of participating if you may need help getting out of the water should you fall in. 

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Precautions 

All current government advice will be followed to ensure the safety of participants and those around them. Should the government advice change, policies will be updated accordingly. 

The activity is deemed low risk with regards to transmission of COVID-19 due to the following reasons: 

- Group sizes will be kept to a minimum (18 or less, including supervising staff). 

- The activity will take place outdoors and away from non-participants. 

- There will typically be no need for physical interaction or close contact with each other during the activity. 


To reduce the risk of spreading the infection, the following measures will be taken: 

- A sanitisation point will be provided for participants to disinfect paddles, boat handles, etc. 

- Participants will be notified of hand washing locations and/or encouraged to use hand sanitiser. 

- The session will operate on the understanding that handshakes and other close personal greetings will not be appropriate at this time. 

- The ability for participants to maintain social distancing at all times will be ensured. 

- Close proximity will be avoided and the use of masks encouraged during briefings. 


Please do not attend the activity if: 

- You are exhibiting symptoms typical of flu, a cold, or have been in close contact with someone who has the COVID-19 infection. If this applies to you, please exclude yourself from the activity and seek advice from the following link: 

- You have an underlying health condition which puts you at increased risk of severe illness should you contract COVID-19 or will come into contact with someone who has. 

- You are pregnant or will come into contact with someone who is. 

Disclosure of Medical Conditions 

Any medical condition (and/or medication currently being taken) which affects your daily health and may impact on your involvement in the activity must be disclosed to the staff supervising the activity, either prior to the activity or at the start of the activity. These conditions include (but are not limited to) heart conditions, breathing issues, joint problems, vision issues, allergies, asthma, spine/back pain, dizziness, and any pre-existing or recent injuries/conditions. 

Refusal to Engage 

In the interest of your own and the group’s enjoyment and safety, Venture and their partners reserve the right to refuse to engage with a participant where their behaviour, medical condition, and/or physical ability may make it unsafe or inappropriate to continue with the activity. In the interest of safety, Venture and their partners reserve the right to refuse to engage with a participant where the clothing or any equipment that they present with to the activity is not appropriate. 


The activity will take place in a public space, and as such there are nearby hazards including, but not limited to, traffic and wildlife (such as swans). Venture and their partners assume no responsibility for individuals’ safety outside of the confines of Pendigo Lake, and recommend care is taken to use the appropriate road crossings and avoid disturbing wildlife. 

The water quality will be tested before the activity commences, but it is strongly recommended you thoroughly wash your hands after the activity and before eating. 

Should there be any issue which renders the venue unsuitable or unsafe for the activity, Venture and their partners reserve the right to cut short or cancel the activity without notice. 


There is no intention for participants to enter the water during the activity, but there is a risk you may fall in or become wet through splashes or rain, and therefore it is strongly recommended that participants bring a towel and a set of dry clothes and shoes and leave them somewhere safe (such as in your car) during the activity. Similarly, it is strongly recommended you do not wear or bring valuables or clothing you don’t want to get wet on the water. 

As the activity will take place outdoors, participants are advised to check the weather before travelling and to ensure they bring appropriate clothing for the conditions; plenty of synthetic layers and waterproofs are recommended, as is bringing sun cream. 

Red Paddle Co will provide the necessary craft and safety equipment to participate in the activity for its duration. Participants may not take part in the activity using their safety equipment unless by prior agreement with Red Paddle Co 

Every effort will be made to provide a range of equipment to suit as many needs and preferences as possible, but no guarantee is made that participants will get their first choice of equipment or indeed that a suitable option will be available. Venture and their partners reserve the right to refuse participation in the activity if no suitable equipment is available, or for any other reason they deem necessary. 

Participants are expected to look after the craft and equipment they are provided with in order to take part in the activity. Should any damages/losses occur out of negligence or lack of care, Venture may seek to recover the cost from the participant or their group. 


Changing Facilities  

Changing gazebos will be provided for the participants to store items and get changed in. Those under the age of 18 will require their parental guardian to be present. Personal items stored in the changing facility during the activity will be done so at the owners own risk. 

Payment of Fees Incurred 

Red Paddle co is not responsible for paying any car park (or parking fine) charges incurred, event entry fees, water access fees, venue fees, or meals. 

Replacement Staff 

In some instances, it may be necessary to use other staff to provide the activity. This may be at the request of the participant or due to the need to bring in a specialist holding technical expertise in a specific field. No notice will be given of a change to the advertised staff, except in instances where a participant has a specific request which has been agreed with Red Paddle Co in advance. 


By Venture 

Due to unforeseen circumstances, it may be necessary to cancel the activity, in which case as much notice as possible will be given. Where appropriate, an alternative member of staff may be brought in to deliver the activity. Any additional costs or losses incurred as part of a cancellation (e.g. transport/accommodation) will not be reimbursed by Venture. Participants are advised to hold their own insurance for losses due to cancellation. 

By Participants 

If participants wish to cancel their booking for any reason, please contact Red Paddle Co as soon as possible so that the space can be offered to someone else. 

Any costs or losses incurred as part of a cancellation (e.g. transport/accommodation/loss of earnings) will not be reimbursed by Venture. Participants are advised to hold their own insurance for losses due to cancellation. 


Venture and their partners will do what is possible to ensure that participants have the best experience during the activity. If your expectations are not met during the activity or you encounter any issues, please contact us as soon as possible and we will do our best to provide a resolution. 


Before engaging in the activity, please ensure you have read and agree to these terms and conditions. Should you need to discuss anything with us further, please do so as soon as possible. 

Tel: +441803896847 
