5 Fun Things To Do On Christmas Day That'll Get You Outdoors
5 Fun Things To Do On Christmas Day That'll Get You Outdoors

5 Fun Things To Do On Christmas Day That'll Get You Outdoors

Written by Luke Green /

For many Christmas day is the most exciting day of the year, with good food, presents and of course spending quality time with family and friends. However, Christmas 2020 is going to be a little different than we are used to, much like 2020 as a whole. So, with fewer people to surround yourself with on Christmas day, you may be on the lookout for fun things to do on Christmas day. Here are 6 fun things to do on Christmas day that will also get you outdoors.

For many Christmas day is the most exciting day of the year, with good food, presents and of course spending quality time with family and friends. However, Christmas 2020 is going to be a little different than we are used to, much like 2020 as a whole. So, with fewer people to surround yourself with on Christmas day, you may be on the lookout for fun things to do on Christmas day. Here are 6 fun things to do on Christmas day that will also get you outdoors.

Christmas Day Activities For Adults

1. Go For A Bike Ride 

Let’s face it, as we get older Christmas day becomes a little less magical and a lot more hectic, so getting out in the fresh air is welcomed by many of us. One of the best Christmas day activities for adults is to go for a bike ride. Going for a bike ride is a great way to exercise, but also a great alternative to walking when you want to do some sightseeing. The beauty of cycling is that you can enjoy it alone, or a group at any time of the day - making it perfect for Christmas day. If you are lucky enough to receive any cycling accessories as a gift, you can also give them a try then!

2. Go For A Hike 

Going on a hike is one of the best activities you can do all year round, whatever the weather may be. If you are celebrating Christmas as a group this year, a festive walk is a brilliant activity for everyone and also great for burning off an excessive amount of pigs in blankets! You could also incorporate challenges into the walk to make it more fun and competitive. Perhaps you could play a game of who can spot the most animals outside or even a race to see who can make it to the desired destination quickest. Just remember to wrap up warm with some performance clothing!

3. Cold-Water Swimming 

If you are looking for something more adventurous, why not try going for a cold-water swim? This may seem a little out of the ordinary for many, but it is worth trying! It is scientifically proven that cold-water swimming has many health benefits and it also leaves you with lots of energy for the rest of the day - perfect when you are set for a busy day of festivities. However, if you have not been cold water swimming before, we would highly recommend that you check out our beginner’s guide to cold water swimming to ensure that you do it safely. 

Things To Do On Christmas Day With Family 

4. Fly A Kite

Spending time with your family during the festive season is what Christmas is all about and making memories that will last a lifetime. Looking for fun things to do on Christmas day with children outdoors is a challenge as they want to stay and enjoy their lovely presents. Our top tip to get children outdoors on Christmas day is to make the trip as fun and engaging as possible. Flying a kite is the perfect activity for this as it brings hours of fun and excitement for children of all ages, you can even get the children involved in making their own kites! Without realising they will be enjoying the outdoors for hours and you can all have quality time as a family. There is also no need to worry about the weather as the UK always guarantees wind!


5. Christmas Scavenger Hunt

Finally, another fun thing to do on Christmas day is a Christmas Scavenger hunt! This may take some time preparing, but it provides hours of fun for the whole family and can even be done in the comfort of your home or garden. There are no rules for this game, so you can tailor the game to whatever you like. Here is a handy guide that outlines lots of different Christmas scavenger hunt ideas, o

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